Monday 19 July 2010

Steve J Yoni P

突然好想講下呢個品牌,其實我之前唔認識呢個品牌的,係最近係亞徐既liger website度睇到,而且一見就愛上左佢地既衫,所以就即刻上網望一望佢地既資料..原來佢地係london既時裝新貴,而且仲要係亞洲人(韓國人),所以更加覺得有驚喜,不過近年韓國時裝都十分"潮",大家對韓國既時裝都有一定既信心,而且價格比歐美便宜,最o岩我呢d窮窮地既時裝精嫁喇..好再多加介紹下呢個品牌啦.

佢地係兩位一男一女既韓國人組合...佢地畢業於英國Central Saint Martins College and London College of Fashion. 而且仲榮獲British Fashion Council's New Gen Awards. 所以都唔惹小嫁..其實都要好多謝亞徐同Dorothy 既liger store,因為佢地令到我認識左好多不同既外國新進和一些少接觸的品牌,因為通常香港人大部份都係多數只認識一些比較大既品牌,例如: Gucci, Prada, LV,Chanel, Miu Miu...等等...近呢年因為佢地而認識多左...好多,好多..好正既品牌...攪到我對時裝更加有興趣呢 :)

以下係Steve J & Yoni P 既英文詳細介紹 from vogue uk

23 July 2008

SHORLISTED for the British Fashion Council's New Gen Awards and graduates of two of London's most renowned fashion colleges, Central Saint Martins and London College of Fashion, Steve J and Yoni P are a fashion duo to know about.
"Our style is modern and quirky, with joyful colour combinations. Pleats, manipulation and intricate cutting elements are key details," explain the designers, who have shown during London Fashion Week for the past three seasons and have already created a capsule range for TopShop.
While their autumn/winter 2008-9 collection was all about layered ruffled dresses and clean cut trousers, for spring/summer 2009, it's all about architecture and the fine arts.
"We looked at architectural structure to explore the sculptural and three-dimensional garment. Orange, pink and blue form the base palette for the collection, with silver and gold as accent colours," they confide.

Steve J & Yoni P

以上是最新collection,係liger 有售,我都急不及待收工要去買喇..keekee

My Favorite Mascara

最近都買左好幾支mascara, 好多人話L'oreal 既Mascara好,我買過幾支都覺得麻麻地...咁我早半年前去左MAC買左一套佢既眼線及眼睫毛液既套裝返屋企試,我一用難忘,效果十分好...因為我用完之後真係唔使用眼睫毛夾夾起,因為我自己又懶而且返工時間又趕,所以最好就係用呢d咁方便既mascara喇..而且都幾long last...所以好想同大家分享一下...(不過唔知係唔係最新既Mascara都有呢d功能,因為之前我有直眼睫毛既習慣,好耐冇買,不過最近又懶左唔想成日去旺角整,又用返...)...唔理係新事物好,定係已存在好耐既product又好,我都想講下我最近至常用又十分好用既眼睫毛液.

1. MAC - Studio Fix Lash


2. MAC - Plush Lush

呢支係我第二支既MAC Mascara 我自己買左深啡色,佢既效果冇咁倦曲,但就比較濃密

3. MAC - Zoom Lush


4. Becca - The Ultimate Mascara

呢支都有curl 既效果,都有好自然既提升,而且佢最好既優點係好易清洗,sales 哥哥話只要用暖水,洗一洗就已經可以清潔左,唔須要用卸妝,不過我自己比較保險,都會用卸妝水落..不過又真係好易就落左喇...仲有佢啡色係比較淺,所以個效果都幾特別,可能佢係for外國人士多d,佢地既眼睫毛既color都比較淺,不過我覺得我自己渣左都覺得效果唔錯,都幾特別,都值得一試嫁.